Yes! UV-C has a long-studied history of treating and controlling pathogens.UV-C light treatment is an effective, chemical-free method of infection prevention. It’s shown to reduce the levels of b...
As we mentioned earlier, UV-C utilizes short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation — wavelengths of 200-300 nanometers. This short wavelength carries the amount of energy necessary to inactivate microo...
If you are looking into UV-C lights, lamps, and air treatment methods, it’s good to understand what the abbreviations UV-C and UVGI stand for.UV-C refers to a specific ultraviolet wavelength. Ther...
UVC light technology is a radiation method that makes use of a specific wavelength of ultraviolet light to neutralize microorganisms. UV-C light is germicidal, which means it deactivates the DNA of...
Powerful and Safe Sterilization Performance with Great Versatility UVC LED that saves the earth and lowers operational costs while eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses for application wherev...
Dear partners and friends In the midst of this epidemic affecting the global economic environment, we all stand together through thick and thin, and I sincerely thank the vastSupport and trust of ...
This article in Magazine provides an overview of TLL' clean air systems, including the USC with UVC technology. USC uses ROOTIN , Peking univesty by rootin, to combat pathogens- including SARS-C...
CIOE 2022 The 24th China International Optoelectrnic ExpositionYou have been invited by:
ZIXIN semiconductorPurple core semiconductorAnhui Zixin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (holding company of Taihu Yutian photoelectric display Co., Ltd.) is a supplier specializing in dee...
Definition of v254 (deep UV LED | UV sensor | UV254 sensor | 255nm UV sensor | UVLED)UV254 refers to the ultraviolet abs...
Cod (chemical oxygen demand) TOC (total organic carbon) Organic pollutants in water have absorption peak at 254nm wa...
Now the water quality analysis industry is more and more hot, and there are many domestic and foreign analytical ins...
With the rapid development of social economy, people's income level has been greatly improved, followed by people's ...
With the advantages of environmental protection, delicacy and low consumption, the deep UV LED with wavelength between 2...
Many people in our life don't know the function of ultraviolet sensor? The following is explained by Anhui UV-CHIPS ...
Mercury lamp was the only choice for UV sterilization. However, Minamata Convention on mercury has entered into force f...
人的五官是功能非常复杂、灵敏的“传感器”,感觉大多只能对外界的信息作“定性”感知,而不能作定量感知。而且有许多物理量人的五官是感觉不到的,像红外线和紫外线光谱。 紫外线(Ultraviolet Rays/简写UV)主要指太...
4月12日上午,长治市召开深紫外LED公共卫生安全典型应用示范项目专家论证会。相关部门及国家半导体照明工程研发产业联盟代表企业参加会议。副市长景普秋出席。 会上,主办单位就紫外LED公共卫生安全典型应用示范项目实施情况进行汇报。
脂肪和肮脏的废气与成本相关。如果纯化,这将是一个宝贵的资源。我们对现代商业厨房的看法是厨房的能源消耗大大减少,同时还提供更好的防火保护,安全和健康的工作环境,对附近居民的影响甚微。总之:厨房与周围环境和谐相处。厨房废气处理 减...
The effective sterilization of ultraviolet rays needs to meet certain requirements. Li said that pay attention to the ...
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